30 Days of Thanks

Dear ones,

As we approach the holiday season, many of us turn our minds to gratitude, between All Saints Sunday, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and a new year. That's especially the case for us at UCC as we celebrate 75+ years of ministry together on the corner of 21st and University and beyond. We give thanks for the departed saints who first showed us God's love; for those among us who are still showing us the way of Jesus with how they live their lives; for the partner organizations and ministries that make positive change in the world God so loves.

Through this season of gratitude and giving, of preparing and celebrating, of watching and waiting, let us give thanks for the beloved children of God who have influenced our lives and made the lives of our neighbors better in some form or fashion. Below are a series of daily prompts for the month of November, from Rev. Laura Stephens-Reed. Perhaps we can join together and go through this list a few times over the coming months in our prayers, expressing our gratitude to God for saints departed and still living.


Day 1: Mentored you
2: Helped you grow in faith
3: Gave tangible help in a difficult time
4: Founded an institution or movement that is important to you
5: Showed tough love
6: Coached you as you grew in skills & confidence
7: Led a group that was significant in your formation
8: Treated you like a sibling
9: Introduced you to grief by their loss
10: Wrote something that deeply moved you
11: Died before you could reconcile or reconnect with them
12: Introduced you to a group/community
13: Reminded you to see the world like a child
14: Advocated for you
15: Showed you something key about yourself by being your adversary

16: Gave you a tangible object that continues to inspire you
17: Parented or grandparented you
18: Governed in a way that fostered trust and cooperation
19: Took you somewhere life-changing
20: Made you feel seen in a time/place that you felt invisible
21: Trusted you with difficult but important knowledge
22: Created art that speaks to your soul
23: Let you ask your questions
24: Pointed out your gifts
25: Introduced you to a hobby
26: Prayed for you
27: Embodied the values you aspire to
28: Disagreed with you but still loved you
29: Supported you emotionally through a low point
30: Did something for others that took great courage and sacrifice