August 2021 Worship Update: Online Only beginning 8/8

Beloved of God,

As you’ve likely heard by now, Austin is on the threshold of Stage 5 of Austin Public Health’s risk-based COVID guidelines. ICU beds are at a critical low, the highly contagious delta variant is spreading at a concerning rate, and APH is urging even vaccinated individuals to limit group size for gatherings. Due to all of these factors, the UCC COVID Task Group has recommended that our worship service shifts to online-only until the numbers improve, starting on August 8.

It has been a joyful thing to be together in person these last seven Sundays, and it is disappointing to have to pause that aspect of our congregational life. It is okay to sit with that sadness. But let us also give thanks for the technology that will allow us to continue to worship online and for the strong bonds that remind us that we are in this together, with God’s embrace enfolding us all.

Watch for more information to come as the numbers hopefully improve sooner than later. Please get vaccinated if you are able to and haven’t yet, and encourage your friends and family to get the vaccine, too. We will get through this as a community.

As I’ve written this update, the hymn Blest Be the Tie That Binds has been going through my head. I share it with you now as a blessing and a reminder that we will meet again.

Blest be the tie that binds our hearts in Christian love:
the fellowship of kindred minds is like to that above.

When we are called to part, it gives us inward pain;
but we shall still be joined in heart, and hope to meet again.

Love in Christ,
Pastor Megan