Ministry Together in 2024

Dear UCC Community,

Back at the end of August, the UCC Leadership (board members, elders, deacons, & trustees) took time at our annual retreat to brainstorm and discern our congregation’s priorities for the next year. While we are already living into these priorities, many of them will fully take shape in 2024. Look for more details soon on one of the bulletin boards, or you can click here to see the full document.

As the people gathered at the retreat prayerfully listened to where the Spirit is leading us to respond to the needs of our communities over the next year, multiple themes emerged. It became clear that in 2024, we see UCC:

Increasing and Deepening Connection - by welcoming visitors and enfolding new members into the life of the church - by reaching out to the UT campus community - and by expanding relationships within the congregation. Some ways we talked about achieving these goals included improving communication, creating more fellowship opportunities, expanding small group events to additional people, and starting several new college ministry programs/events in addition to our ongoing courtyard lunch ministry.

Engaging in Compassionate Service & Outreach - by focusing on supporting Micah 6 in a variety of ways - by responding to local community needs - and by equipping ourselves and others to be able to serve in new ways. We talked about 2024 being “The Year of Micah 6,” and enacting that emphasis through more frequent food donation drives, regular pantry volunteering, and increased financial gifts. We also talked about finding ways to support efforts related to mental health care, affordable housing, and climate care while also connecting to organizations engaged in this work that we’re already related to in some way.

Creating and Maintaining a Safe and Hospitable Environment - by engaging in wise upkeep and maintenance of our building and grounds - by planning upcoming parking changes - by offering our facility for outside groups to use - and by completing the Safety Committee’s workplan. Ideas shared included refreshing the sanctuary and kitchen, making AV improvements for the choir and congregation, and being particularly welcoming to student groups and nonprofits who want to use our building for things like blood drives.

There is a lot of sadness and grief in the world right now, but still we see God’s goodness and Spirit at work, including through the life of our church. I hope you’re looking forward to this next year of ministry together as we connect, serve, and welcome all of God’s children.
